
Villi Fog bilan dunyo boʻylab sayohat

Based on: Russian (SV-Double)

Character Name (original) Localized Name (where applicable) Voice Actor
Willy Fog Villi Fog Elbek Mirzohidov
Rigodon Rigadon Shavkat Abdujamilov
Tico Tiko Elbek Mirzohidov
Romy Romi Nargiza Mirzayeva
Dix Diks Shavkat Abdujamilov
Bully Billi Shavkat Abdujamilov
Transfer Elbek Mirzohidov
Mr. Sullivan
Lord Guinness Lord Ginness Elbek Mirzohidov

Episode No. Localized Name (where applicable) Episode Name (original)
1 The Wager
2 Bon Voyage
3 The Mysterious Mademoiselle
4 The Temple of Doom
5 The Counterfeit
6 Bombay Adventure
7 The End of the Line
8 The Deadly Jungle
9 The Remarkable Rescue of Romy
10 A Present for Parsi
11 Guilty as Charged
12 Shipwreck
13 The Butler's Dilemma
14 En Route for Yokohama
15 Akita's Circus
16 Adventure in Hawaii
17 A Trip in a Balloon
18 The Showdown
19 Moment of Truth
20 Warpaint in the West
21 A Very Special Train
22 Below Zero
23 Destination Liverpool
24 Fire Down Below
25 Last Train to London
26 What a Difference a Day Makes
